Frequently asked questions

In this section:

  • How can I contact General Mills?

    Our world headquarters is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. We have plants, mills and regional offices worldwide.

    You can call General Mills at 763-764-7600. If you prefer to write, send a letter to:
    General Mills
    P.O. Box 1113
    Minneapolis, MN 55440

    If you have comments about a product, please contact our Consumer Services at 1-800-328-1144 (7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CT, weekdays).
    Our Product Locator will let you know where to find products near you.

    For Canadian products call General Mills Canada at 905-212-4000. If you prefer to write a letter, please send it to:
    General Mills Canada
    Attn: Consumer Services
    1875 Buckhorn Gate, Suite #201
    Mississauga, ON L4W 5N9

    If you have questions or complaints about a specific Canadian product, please contact Consumer Services at 1-800-479-8505 (9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, weekdays).

  • Where can I find a specific General Mills product?

    Use our Product Locator to find the store nearest you. Just enter your ZIP code and select the product you are looking for.

    You can also call our Consumer Services department at 1-800-328-1144.

  • Why isn't my favorite General Mills product at my local store?

    We make every effort to have our items available at your local grocery store. If you can't find a product, you can order selected items directly from General Mills. To do so, visit our hard-to-find products store.

  • Where can I learn about General Mills' financial information and stock price?

    Our Investors section provides annual reports, SEC filings, financial news releases, our stock price and related information.

  • Will General Mills make a product or financial donation to my organization?

    General Mills funds grants to many nonprofit organizations through the General Mills Foundation. All of our product donations are provided to and distributed through Second Harvest to food banks across the nation. Unfortunately, we cannot fulfill individual requests.

  • Where can I submit business proposals or requests?

    We have a web-based system to efficiently receive and review the following proposals or requests. We do not review requests in these areas through email, phone, fax or mail.

    Visit our Business Proposal page to begin the submission process, which includes marketing communications, such as advertising, media, branding, brand design, product licensing, brand licensing, multicultural marketing, promotion marketing, and public relations.

    If you have a technology idea, visit our G-Win web page.